• National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau - Wisconsin Chapter

    Providing Pre-Qualified Welding & Brazing Procedure Specifications

NCPWB is an organization composed of contractors who have come together to jointly develop Welding and Brazing Procedure Specifications (WPSs/BPSs) which comply with the ASME Codes.

To engage in research and educational work that will assist the contractors in furnishing safe and dependable installations through the use of qualified welding procedures and qualified welders.

To keep contractors informed of the latest methods, information, and data on welding, safety, and health.

To establish and qualify uniform procedures specifications which conform with ANSI/ASME and other nationally recognized codes for various methods of welding.

To create a force of welders uniformly trained and qualified under these procedures thereby permitting the interchange of such welders between members without unnecessary individual duplication of such qualification tests.

To assist contractors in providing the owner with quality welding at reduced costs through the use of certified welding.

To promote, develop the use, and maintain the quality of welding generally in the piping industry.